Corpus Christi

“Corpus Christi, Christ’s Presence in the Living Bread”

Thank You, Lord, because in the Last Supper You divided the bread and wine into infinite pieces to satiate our hunger and thirst.
Thank You, Lord, because in the bread and wine you give us Your life and fill us with Your presence.
Thank You, Lord because You loved us to the end, to the extreme that one can love: to die for another, to give one’s life for another.
Thank You, Lord, because You willed to celebrate Your surrender around a table with Your friends, to that they would be a community of love.
Thank You, Lord, because in the Eucharist You make us ONE with You, You unite us to Your Life, in the measure that we are willing to surrender ours . . .
Thank You, Lord, because the whole day can be a preparation to celebrate and share the Eucharist . . .
Thank You, Lord, because I can begin again every day . . . and continue my journey of fraternity with my brothers, and my journey of transformation in You . . .