Second Sunday of Year – B

Very often a book or a film begins with a story about somebody who is searching for somebody or something, a new land, a treasure, or a person.  One of the first books I read was Treasure Island by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson; and I will never forget the adventures, the excitement and the characters,  especially Long John Silver,  with his missing leg and parrot. Every human person is a searcher, a discoverer and inventor,  not like the famous ones like Hernan Cortes or Gallileo.  Each one of us is on a daily voyage of discovery,  whch is just as exciting and important as any book or film. This is characteristic of human nature, we are always looking for something, something that will give us lasting peace and happiness and meaning to our lives.  We should ask ourselves the question: what am I looking for?  Many years ago, two men saw another man passing by. They followed him, he turned around and asked the question what are you looking for? It was a question that changed their lives and set them out on a great adventure.  There names were John and Andrew.  The one who asks the question was Jesus.  This question is for each one of us; he looks into your eyes, into my eyes and asks what are you looking for?  Later on in the gospel Jesus asks another person – Mary Magdalene – another question, who are you looking for?  There is a slight change, it is no longer ‘what’ but ‘who’. The search of the human heart will always be for a person, not for a thing, only a person can love and be loved,  only a person can be the answer to our search. If we are sincere we sometimes  find ourselves looking for happiness, peace and meaning in material things,  and one of the lessons we have all learned is that we have come to the realization of how fickle and short lived these pursuits are. The great St. Augustine summarized it when he said our hearts are anxious for you Lord and they will not rest until they rest in you. If we read the gospel carefully, we will realize that before the apostles went looking for Jesus,  he was looking for them,  on the hills, by the lakes, in the towns,  Jesus searches first, he loves first, he is the true searcher;  and he sets out on his quest every day to heal wounded hearts.  He is the good samaritan, he is the good shepherd.  As we said, this is not just a story of John and Andrew,  it is your story and it is my story.  Today with great affection, Jesus looks into your eyes and into my eyes, and he asks what are you looking for? who are you looking for? What will my answer be?