The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sometimes we hear about somebody or read about somebody who has made a great difference in the world in their own lifetime.  It may have been a writer,  a philosopher, a missionary or a  politician;  and they have really made a difference.  When we hear or read about this it’s only natural that we should ask ourselves: what difference have I made? In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks about the parable of the sower. Jesus uses this example that would have been very familiar to people living in the fishing and agricultural economy of Galilee. A sower went out to sow his seed and he spread his seed far and wide. He sows generously and recklessly. Jesus is the sower who sows the seeds of justice, goodness and peace; the seeds of the Kingdom of God. We sometimes sow the seeds of our kindness only on those who will be kind to us. How do you sow the seeds of your kindness and love? There is a story told in Christian tradition that as Jesus was walking one day a person cursed him and he blessed the person and his followers questioned him saying how you can do that, that’s all I have in my bag. The gospel today speaks about the receivers of the word. Jesus describes four types of hearers. First are those who hear the word of God, but they do not really understand it, and are easily led astray. These are the people who hear the word of God with a shut and closed mind, the ground is hard, and the seed cannot enter. Second are those who initially are very enthusiastic for the word but who fall away as soon as trials and difficulties arise because the word has never taken root in them. The word of God in their lives falls on shallow ground, people who have superficiality written all over their foreheads. Many people in the world today live their lives by what they read or hear on social media platforms. What chance does the word of God have in the lives of these people?; it will never take root here. The third group of people allow the word of God to get smothered by the cares and concerns of this world. What is important gets crowded out! We hear the same mantra over and over again we are too busy, and we do not have time, a lot of people in our world today are too busy to pray.  We are so caught up in working for the Lord that we forget the Lord for whom we work. The fourth group are those who listen to God’s word, and take it to heart and respond by applying it to themselves in an effort to lead a life worthy of a follower of Christ. God’s word is still scattered generously today, but how well do we respond to it? One of the challenges facing all of us in our church at this present time is the need for evangelization, we as parents, teachers and preachers must allow the world of God to bear fruit in our lives whether we produce 30 or 40 or 100% return, the important thing is that we respond to the word God to the best of our ability. Jesus gives each one of us a sack of seeds at the beginning of the new day,  Kind thoughts, and good deeds,  words of friendship and forgiveness;  and he sends us out to sow.  At the end of the day we can come back to him,  with an empty sack and tell him how we have done;  and ask for the grace to go out again tomorrow and sow again.  Just rememeber that Jesus is the sower, we are just his helpers.