Second Sunday of Lent

One of the highlights of a visit to the Holy Land is visiting Mt. Tabor the place of the transfiguration. It is a stunning place and while up there, you have a beautiful view of the whole countryside.  The gospel tells us that Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and they went up a high mountain. As we’ve heard on many occasions mountains in the bible are meeting places of divinity and humanity. We go up above our physical realm, the ordinary things of everyday life and we enter our spiritual realm. Psychologists call such moments ‘peak moments’ They are moments when for an instant we see beyond ordinary events to something extraordinary. They are moments of transfiguration when, like Peter, James and John we are overwhelmed by a remarkable sense of God presence. They are moments – when some unseen door opens slightly and, for a brief second, we are blessed with a glimpse of the world of faith; you feel you are in another world. Jesus was transfigured before them was like a changing experience going beyond the external form, think of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly, think of the tadpole becoming a frog, think of the seed becoming a flower, these are forms of metamorphism. The external form of Jesus is transfigured, it is elevated; resurrection and transfiguration mean the same thing. At the resurrection the body of Jesus was transfigured, at our resurrection our bodies will be transfigured. Jesus is getting a sneak preview here of what God intends for him and we are getting a sneak preview of what God intends for us when we pass through the crucible of death. The seed has to fall into the ground and die before it becomes a flower; our bodies have to die before we can be transfigured into a new body. His cloths became dazzlingly white. When we are in communion with God, this communion radiates outwards and makes all of our life radiant. There are two types of people around today, drains and radiators. People who are drains are people who are always critical, judgmental, pulling down complaining, being negative, there draining you. I read a phrase this week which was from Albert Einstein:  “Stay away from negative people they have a problem for  every solution”. We have other people who are radiators, it is a joy to be around them, they are optimistic, encouraging uplifting; it is a joy to be around them. When we are in deep communion with God our lives become a radiator, they radiate light and beauty. Moses and Elijah appeared to him. Moses represents the Law and Elijah represents the prophets, the two great pillars of Israelite history, all of salvation is converging on this man Jesus. A voice came from the cloud. Listen to Him. Israel didn’t listen. When Peter said it is good for us to be here, he is saying that it is good for us to listen to Jesus. When we gather as a community every Sunday we gather to listen to Jesus, there are so many attention voices out there in our world today. One of the recommendations of lent is fasting. Maybe we need to fast from our addiction to social media.  Everywhere you go you will see people who are on their phones or tablets, they are tweeting, posting, snapchatting or chatting with Mrs. Google. Who do we listen to? Social media,  gossip, our egos. The message today is clear, we must listen to Jesus.