Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There’s an old english novel that we have probably heard about and maybe have read. Its called Robinson Cruso written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a castaway who spent 28 years on a remote tropical desert island near the coast of Venezuela and Trinidad. It’s a story of survival, resilience and  profound humanity and faith.  There is a key moment in the story;  Robinson knows he is alone on the island and he knows there is no one else. One day, when he was walking on the beach, he notices a human footprint in the sand;  a single footprint.  He is astonished and terrefied; he is aware of the presence of another person. Our lives as human beings are interwoven,  we all leave a footprint in the lives of others.  We can ask ourselves: what kind of footprint do I leave? Am I a positive influence in the lives of others,  or am I a cause of unhappiness sadness and division in the lives of others.  In today s gospel, Jesus tells us the parable of the wheat and the chaff. A person has sown good seed in his land,  but his enemy comes at night and sows chaff. One sows goodness, harmony and beauty,  the other sows evil division and poison. Each one chooses the seed he wishes to sow. The same happens in our lives.  Jesus left his footsteps on the roads of Palestine,  and he wants us to do the same in our marriage, in our families, in the lives of our friends, and in our workplace. Its great to know that we too,  with kindness, understanding, goodness,  and generosity can leave the footprints of  Jesus in the sands of our lives,  and in the lives of others.  In the light of this gospel, are we wheat or chaff in the lives of those we meet on our road of life?